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The activities and restaurant on this list are less than stellar.
Take our advice and make a different choice.
Say No! to these activities:
Avoid these restaurants:
- Floating the Provo River- This activity is probably ok if you are a young college student and have been fairly warned about the dangers of this activity. Let me spell it out for you: it is not a relaxing, family-friendly coast down a calm stream. There are rapids, rocks, swift current, and branches attacking you from the shore. It was exhausting kicking my feet and paddling with my arms constantly to avoid the rocks and trees that threatened you if you failed to fight against the current. In the end, we left with rub burns on our underarms, lost shoes, and foul tempers. Not cool, Provo!
Avoid these restaurants:
- .Itchiban Sushi- One word: Yuck!
- Loco Lizard in Park City