It’s been a rough few days.
I feel like my time is spent just bouncing from one crying child to the other, back and forth in an endless teeter-totter. Grace has been sick for the last 4 days. Her nose is a constant waterfall of snot (not a pretty picture, I know). And then Madelyn is and always has been (bless her heart) a needy baby. My morning starts off with Maddy. I walk her downstairs and try to chow down some breakfast before Grace wakes up. Grace awakens and the morning is calm for a little bit until the crying starts…and it never seems to stop after that. Since she is sick, it is especially difficult to calm Gracie down. I try to distract her with anything: books, food, a movie, music, hugs, the dogs outside, a blanket fort, ANYTHING. While I’m in the midst of that, Maddy starts fussing. She’s crying because she’s hungry. She’s crying because she’s too hot. She’s crying because I’m not sitting next to her while she naps. She’s crying because she has rolled over from her back to her stomach, and she doesn’t like to be on her stomach but she hasn’t figured out how to roll back over, so now she is stuck…and angry. I move away from Grace’s side to help Maddy, and then Grace starts screaming again. And the cycle continues. That has been my life the last few day. I have to acknowledge the help I have received from my family. My mom is always willing to talk to Grace to figure out what she needs. My sister loves holding Madelyn when I am busy with something else. Andrew is an angel at helping me at night once my patience has worn thin and I can’t stand to wipe another boogery nose. I am very grateful for their help. But I am just hoping that these sniffles and coughs leave this house soon. And that I don’t catch them! I think we all cant wait to just leave the house and do something fun as a family. **Note: Grace is definitely practicing her pouty-grumpy face while she is sick. This is a famous look perfected by me when I was Grace's age.
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September 2022