So, you've probably already heard the big news, but let me invite you into the inner workings of this big life change for our family. It is definitely a decision we did not come to lightly. Andrew has been miserable at work for a long time. He has applied for jobs inside and outside of the company. He has had multiple interviews, and some of those interviews have gone INCREDIBLY well. But then our hearts break every time we get the news that someone else got the position, and once again we wonder why we cant catch a break. We really do believe that Heavenly Father is aware of us. We know He has a plan for our family, and we know he want us all to be happy. So with all that knowledge and belief, we still wondered why Andrew was stuck in a job that made him so unhappy? Where were the promised blessings and opportunities for Andrew to improve his situation? We prayed and prayed and prayed for the faith to continue and for the insight to know when the right door was opening for our family. Well, that door opened one night as we listened to my dad talk about his stress at work and his concern for his sister (my aunt). Andrew sat there and wondered, "What can we do to help him?" When he asked me that question later, I responded, "I don't think we can do anything to help. It's wonderful that you want to relieve some of the stress, but we don't live close and we don't have the skills to do anything helpful." Andrew's response was this crazy idea to go into real estate, move to California, and work with my dad. I cried when he told me his idea. Utah has been my home for over 12 years. What was he thinking?!?! And then I felt immediate peace about it. That has been the overwhelming feeling through these past few weeks: peace. And just like that, the decision has been made and we are taking steps to move to California. You would think that moving your family to a new state, leaving beloved friends and family, and taking such big risks would put a pit in your stomach. But I have never felt that. I've only felt calm peace, and I take that as a big spiritual confirmation that this is the right move for our family at this time. Of course I am sad. I am so so so sad to leave the wonderful relationships I have here. I will miss hanging out with sister-in-laws who have become some of my dearest friends. I will miss one of my best friends giving birth to her first babies (she's having twins). I will miss the changing seasons and the beautiful Utah sunsets. I've cried so many tears about all the things I will miss. But at the end of the day, I also can’t deny the feeling of peace. The other day, as I cried in the shower about this big decision, the Spirit spoke to me and prompted my thoughts, "It's your choice. You can choose to move to California, or you can choose to stay in Utah. You can find happiness either way. HOWEVER, if you don't go to California, you will be missing out on some very special miracles that are waiting there for you."
That's how heaven works, through agency. God isn't going to force us to do anything, but there are great blessings for following the promptings of the Spirit and humbly saying, "I'll go where you want me to go, dear Lord." I know there are big blessings waiting for us in California. I know this career move will bring greater happiness and future opportunities for Andrew. I know that there are people who will come into our path who we can bless. I know it. And I am grateful that God has allowed me to see a little glimpse of all the good that will come from this move.
Andrew and MaichaelCheck out our About page to learn buckets about us. Categories
September 2022